
CEPDeR in conjuction with Covenant University Economics Department presents Town and Gown series

Centre for Economic Policy and Development Research (CEPDeR) in conjunction Department of Economics and Development Studies, Covenant University presents the first of her seminar series in 2022 captioned “Good Governance – The pedestal to Nigeria’s Sustainable Development: The role of the youth in its enforcement“.

The seminar is presented by Ms. Davina Ezenagu, a graduate of the Department of Economics and Development Studies, Covenant University. Ms Ezenagu will be speaking from her experience as the Convener of Lady In Formation & Raised Voices Network. She is also a social activist passionate about nation-building. 

The seminar provides a platform for the convergence of youths interested in matters pertaining to governance, even from the grassroots level. This could in turn be the beginning of raising a system where voices are raised for the voiceless. By the end of the seminar, participants’ desire for nation-building should be awakened.